Why is regular dental checkup important?
Ideally, we attend dental screenings every six months, which is also necessary because one of the main characteristics of oral diseases is that they are usually well recognized and treatable, so most dental problems can be prevented by regular dental check-ups. The dentist may also be screening for a condition that is not yet symptomatic but requires treatment. Changes that initially require minimal treatment, if left untreated, may require much more expensive interventions later.
Obligatory screenings for pregnant women include dental screening, as the female body undergoes hormonal changes during pregnancy, and this altered hormone level affects different organs, such as the oral cavity. A common problem under pregnancy is gingivitis, which, if left untreated, can cause tooth decay spreading to the tooth structure, which can lead to tooth dislocation, tooth decay, and eventually loss.
In addition, the bacteria in the inflamed gums, which enter the bloodstream as a focal point, can cause further inflammation in any part of the body, which can lead to premature birth in gummies. Thus, instead of the half-year control recommended by dentists, it is advisable for expectant mothers to undergo a screening every 3 months during pregnancy.
How is the diagnosis done?
It consists of a series of comprehensive dental diagnostic tests. During the diagnosis, oral examination is performed. There are several ways that can be done, for example, by physical examination - viewing, knocking, touching - when each physical symptom is being examined for possible changes in the oral cavity.
Thereafter, we can use instrumental examinations to assess the condition of the teeth, for example, by making various X-rays and vitality examinations. With each examination method, we obtain complete dental status and prepare a treatment plan and quote in consultation with the patient to resolve the dental issues.
What are the diagnostic tools?
Precise diagnostics are a prerequisite for effective therapy. There are many devices available in the dental sphere that can effectively map the condition of a patient's oral cavity. Such an essential diagnostic tool is the dental X-ray, which helps to discover hidden lesions that cannot be detected even by the most basic physical examinations. Based on the photographs taken, we get accurate information about the position and health of the teeth.
The dental uses of X-rays are very versatile. There are two main types of X-rays: intra-oral X-rays and extra-oral X-rays.
Intraoral method
One of the intraoral methods is to take periapical images, which represent a smaller part of the dental arch, ie the outline, position, extent of the teeth and the surrounding periodontal gap.
Extraoral method
In contrast, an extraordinary method is panoramic radiography, which allows examination of the entire denture and tooth structure and bones.
Another indispensable extraoral diagnostic tool is CT.
The 3D imaging method guarantees high-resolution scans that are much more detailed than previously available, providing a perfect, scaled representation of all bone formulas found in the oral cavity and face.
Today's modern X-ray machines work with a 90% lower radiation dose for imaging, so the radiation exposure is reduced to a fraction compared to average X-rays and is harmless to health.